Monday, March 29, 2010

True Purpose of Economic Collapse

Monday, March 29, 2010

Davenport, CA.


In looking at the scene of the economic situation around the world and especially in the United States, I saw the underlying purpose of this economic ‘problem,’ which is, having more people available for war pervaders, i.e. soldiers.

In a stable economic condition, with near full-employment, the temptation to enlist and serve in the armed forces would be less then in these times of low employment, with further bleak outlook of employment for the future.

The economic order, the so-called elite, maintain these cycles in order to insure the full compliment of soldiers. They need the men and women in order to continue their personal agendas of control and domination they so enjoy playing out on the world stage. Without an adequate supply of available men and women, their plans are of no use.

Terrible economic conditions are man made and serve the only purpose of control, furthering the control of the major financial institutions in acquiring more and more of the small, and large, institutions.

All war, including the economic wars we see today, are all about greater control, a furthering of more power within the hands of fewer and fewer major players. Wars are nothing if not means to acquire more control, and a lessening of the world population.

The fact that more civilians, especially women and children, are killed in war is no mistake. The agenda made clear in the declaration by the neo-cons, and the other pathological personalities, to eliminate major portions of the world’s population, makes clear that war is basically meant to kill off breeding populations and thereby lessen human growth numbers. Economic distress makes this ever more easier to accomplish.

Financial bonuses for enlisting, for higher education purposes, for re-payment of incurred debt, and so on, is all a ploy to enlist lower economic classes as cannon fodder to be used as world dominators and to inflict terror upon the world at large. The time honored code of keeping the civilian masses in poverty serves this purpose of world domination. This is especially true in the those of color and the poor white. That so-called education only keeps those of the lower economic classes in true ignorance and servitude should be of common knowledge.

The continuance of propaganda of terror, serves the interest of the elite, as a means of instilling self-serving patriotism in the generally ignorant populace. Together with economic distress, this is the effective means of insuring the recruitment goals of the military, and the continued war of terror being inflicted upon the world by the pathological

personalties of this earth.


  1. I'm sorry I was sleeping.. What was that you were saying?- Tracey Small
