Monday, March 29, 2010

The Sexual Abuse of Men and War


The secret ways in which men are sexually abused, and the terrible outcome.

The concentration of sexual abuse has been, rightly so, focused on the female. For example: over 75% of the Hispanic women in New Mexico, have been sexually abused by their fathers or a close friend of their fathers. There are endless statistics such as this relating to the woman, now it’s time to focus on the male.

Most all men have been sexually abused. Is this startling? It should be. It isn’t spoken of to a wide audience, because it’s different then the abuse towards woman and so isn’t known about, nor seen.

Here’s how the abuse towards men begins and continues. The following does not take into consideration circumcision.

From the earliest age of life, men are submitted to abuse; first, in the lavatory of their school on the first day of the first year, and during the following years of schooling. When a man-child is taken into the boy’s bathroom at school for the first time, what he finds is incredibly foreign to him. The stalls where he sits to relieve himself, are without doors and he is in full view. The urinals are also without partitions and again he is forced to relieve himself in full view. This is a serious departure from home, where one would assume he has some privacy and is taught privacy and modesty by his parents.

Compare this to the girl’s bathroom where each stall has a door and she has her privacy.

The parochial school I went to, went even further to remove any privacy. The nuns would secretly, to avoid detection by the other nuns, follow the boys into the boy’s bathroom and watch the boys at the urinals and in the toilet booths. It was obvious, from an early age, that this mental interference from these women was sexually abusive. It just didn’t feel right to me, and I assume to the other boys.

When the boy-child entered high school, a similar, yet even more disturbing situation awaited him: total nudity by having to shower together with all these new people. Again, with no doors on the toilet stalls and no partitions on the urinals.

This experience again differed from the girl’s bath, where each girl had her own private showering stall if she choose, and private toilet.

This, without privacy situation with the boy-child, created constant embarrassment, harassment, and shaming, via other boy-children within the confines of the boy’s area. Insults directed towards the small size of the genitals or lack of hair on the genital area were commonplace, as were the rude and demeaning comments given by the alpha-boys towards whoever was present for the attacks.

The impossibility of avoiding these situations was created by the lack of privacy, and this situation continued for years, without letup. This constant invasion of privacy and shaming forced the boy-child, if he could, to join the demeaning nature of the alpha-boys, and find his own retorts towards those more vulnerable--thus heightening and extending the shaming and intimidation. All too commonly though, the boy-child became numbed out to the whole situation and accepted it has normal, thereby entering into the never-never land of being compartmentalized, which is the set up for control by an outside force.

This compartmentalization is basically an act of denial in order to stay alive. It is called the “frozen place,” and the “numb place,” described by Peter Levine in his work, “Waking The Tiger.” ( We know about the fight or flight of the reptilian mind, but the frozen place is the place we don’t know about, and it is that place which keeps the human in trauma and fear, and therefore more easily controlled by the pathological personalities who have made it to the so-called ‘top.’

This locker room mentality continued for twelve years and during this period the boy-child was subjected to the academic sports world with the controlling coaches and the newly discovered idea of destruction of the other men-boys on the ‘field of honor,’ the arenas for sports, where the idea of giving harm to others is officially condoned and first encountered. Every boy-child is taught to fight the so-called enemy, the rivals, and all other schools are seen as the enemy. The general, the coach, is the supreme commander, and all orders are to be carried out without discussion. The ultimate condition for control is now, forcefully, introduced into the psyche.

The education of the human via a pathological personality which instructs one to harm the other as the way to gain importance, is one step the human encounters on it’s way to becoming, in the words of pulitzer price winner Richard Rhodes, in his work “Why They Kill,” the “dangerous violent criminal.”

Dight D. Eisenhower, said that the only reason for organized scholastic sports was to prepare our young people for war. This includes the pom-pom girls leading the chants for victory, while offering their virginal bodies to the super hero.

When that indoctrination was completed, the boy-child was loaded onto a school bus for the ride to the military facility to be examined to see if he was fit to go to war.

In this sterile environment, together with hundreds of other boy-children from other areas, the boy-child was forced to undress in front of these others for the examination. Again, an embarrassing and shaming situation that added to the compartmentalization of personal denial which had been introduced earlier. The final climax, the final insult, was having to bend over and spread his butt so some man unknown to him, could come up and peer into his butt-hole, thereby naming the boy-child ‘fit-for-duty.’

This incredible humiliation put upon the boy-child, was just the prelude, for the final shaming and humiliation would occur when he entered boot-camp, if he had been so unlucky to have passed the physical, where his identity, what was left of it, would be striped away in the most precise of manner by the military, through insults, intimidations, threats, physical punishment, and ever new deprivations.

Thus, left with no identity, and sexually traumatized, the boy-child was programed on how to obey orders, without question, given by a so-called authority figure. This programing was consistent with that received from early childhood in the so-called educational systems via so-called teachers and so-called coaches.

This ordeal then, was officially completed, and he was sent off to kill people he had never heard of nor met, for people he had never met and for reasons he, in his denied innocence, didn’t understand. The boy-child was made into the perfect robot for the continuance of the abuse perpetrated upon him by his society. Never did he question the orders given him, or if he did, the shame, humiliation, stripping of identity and loss of self, prevented him from understanding and acting upon his questioning.

The prize offered for the killing? A women. And, in fitting order, from this society, through the media of film, print, and societal norms, the woman he is offered is one to be hated and abused. This thought form is created by both the state and via religion; a double whammy. And what does the woman love according to this established order?: Domination and abuse.

The self-worth and the inability of knowing the true self, the loving self, is gone, and the now man-child, the roboticised-man, begins to abuse others, such as the woman. This is one reason rape is so

prevalent in war: the deep hatred of self, imprinted by society, for the continuance of society at all costs, demeans and harms everything it touches. This situation is a true evil. It is part of the endless cycle of passed on trans-generational trauma which has come down to us all.

The sneering man, hunching behind the parapet of a building in downtown Bagdad, firing his weapon at fleeing women and children and calling it, “This is just like a turkey shoot,” is the dangerous violent criminal set forth by the pathological society. There is no redemption for such as this. Once that act is committed, there is no going back and it will be acted out in varied ways in the years to come.

The idolization of the ‘death fights’ held in locked gages, is another example of the pathological sickness of this society, which glorifies harm to the other, with the prize?--the big-titted woman parading around the gage, and the adulation of other sexual perverts, which is similar to sports heros and their ‘fans.’ The fans who scratch their balls and watch baseball on TV. Who also, teach young men how to be men (abuse), and get paid for it (i.e. coaches).

Male rage against the feminine is the hidden cost of all this indoctrination, for the feminine was marginalized to the degree she was nowhere to be found to give comfort or support to the boy-child, nor to the man-child. This male rage is at it’s ultimate with the pressing of the red button and the detonation of the atomic bomb in the womb of the earth, the feminine. Male rage is that which rapes, murders, plunders, destroys and makes the sacred…..meaningless.

In the Australian Aboriginal societies, when the boy-child is circumcised in a scared ceremony, he immediately runs to his mother who is there waiting for him and she comforts him, and so, lets the boy-child know that he will always return to the mother, the earth, for his comfort, and she will always be there for him. In white society, there is nothing but misery and trauma, and laughing at the boy-child who dares be comforted by the feminine.

War is the greatest trauma producing event in the history of mankind. In the 6000 year history of man, there have been over 5000 wars. The original cause of this trauma is not for this paper, and it must be said, mankind is not this evil. No matter what we are told, it is not the fault of mankind, nor the individual man.

Nearly every man has been sexually abused in relative degrees in America. How this works in other countries, I can safely say, based on religion, societal imperatives, circumcision, and war trauma, it is similar and is an age-old worldwide epidemic, based on sexual and mental abuse of the male. There is no wondering, nor questioning necessary to ask the question, “Why do men abuse women.” It’s inherent within the mental illness of select societies.

Those who rise to the top of the military: the generals, the admirals, the colonels, and the military contractors, the corporate world destroying the feminine earth, the so-called elite sections of the military, the so-called intelligence community, the media, and into the high political positions continue this abuse, for they have been the most indoctrinated of all, through extreme mental abuse and sexually compromised via photographic and physical/sexual blackmail, so they were forced to have gotten with the program. They have been called, by one who knows them intimately, “Sexually abused, traumatized, adolescent perverts” ( The same case is also made for the private armies now killing for blood money, such as Blackwater.

Once I called it, “It’s not the people it’s the system.” Now I say, “It’s the people who are now the system.” We have become the system.

These sexual perverts are the people running this country and most all others. Once this is understood, then we, as knowing humans, have a chance of coming out of our sleep-walk: The sleep-walk of believing what we are told as truth. Nothing...nothing we are told by these violent perverts is true.

The trauma being perpetuated upon the peoples of Iraq, and Afghanistan, and soon to be many others, will further this sickness and guarantee the continuance of trauma for generations to come, in those countries and here in America.

One part of the answer lays in the awareness of what is happening to our young boy-children, and not allowing it to occur any longer. War, then, may end, forever.

This paper has not developed the trauma of circumcision. I can’t do that now. It’s too hurtful for me, even though I wasn’t circumcised, I can’t speak about this incredible harm done to man, other than to say, circumcision is condoned by the church, and when you add this to the mix you get war: Endless war.

addendum to "True purpose"

The pathological personality: Those who have no feelings, compassion, or caring for their fellow man. They hide behind the slogans of personal servitude, while continuing their personal agendas of greed and destruction. Six percent of the population are these, and they strive for power and domination. They are the world leaders in the governments, military, and corporations.
We are to know them and expose them on all levels: teachers/statesmen/cops/perverts/priests/nuns/those who work in armament factories/military leaders/bankers/girl friends/boy friends/parents/children and so on.

True Purpose of Economic Collapse

Monday, March 29, 2010

Davenport, CA.


In looking at the scene of the economic situation around the world and especially in the United States, I saw the underlying purpose of this economic ‘problem,’ which is, having more people available for war pervaders, i.e. soldiers.

In a stable economic condition, with near full-employment, the temptation to enlist and serve in the armed forces would be less then in these times of low employment, with further bleak outlook of employment for the future.

The economic order, the so-called elite, maintain these cycles in order to insure the full compliment of soldiers. They need the men and women in order to continue their personal agendas of control and domination they so enjoy playing out on the world stage. Without an adequate supply of available men and women, their plans are of no use.

Terrible economic conditions are man made and serve the only purpose of control, furthering the control of the major financial institutions in acquiring more and more of the small, and large, institutions.

All war, including the economic wars we see today, are all about greater control, a furthering of more power within the hands of fewer and fewer major players. Wars are nothing if not means to acquire more control, and a lessening of the world population.

The fact that more civilians, especially women and children, are killed in war is no mistake. The agenda made clear in the declaration by the neo-cons, and the other pathological personalities, to eliminate major portions of the world’s population, makes clear that war is basically meant to kill off breeding populations and thereby lessen human growth numbers. Economic distress makes this ever more easier to accomplish.

Financial bonuses for enlisting, for higher education purposes, for re-payment of incurred debt, and so on, is all a ploy to enlist lower economic classes as cannon fodder to be used as world dominators and to inflict terror upon the world at large. The time honored code of keeping the civilian masses in poverty serves this purpose of world domination. This is especially true in the those of color and the poor white. That so-called education only keeps those of the lower economic classes in true ignorance and servitude should be of common knowledge.

The continuance of propaganda of terror, serves the interest of the elite, as a means of instilling self-serving patriotism in the generally ignorant populace. Together with economic distress, this is the effective means of insuring the recruitment goals of the military, and the continued war of terror being inflicted upon the world by the pathological

personalties of this earth.